2024 Dues Reminder
Take a moment from thinking of warmer climes to send your GRI Annual Dues of $100.00 to Treasurer John Schmidt, 3556 Antilles Drive. Payments, made out to GRI, can be dropped off at John’s home or sent via PayPal to
You already know the many ways 100% of Dues collected are re-invested in neighborhood services. Ladies are reminded that as GRI members, they are invited to Greenbrier’s Annual Ladies Tea, hosted this year by Susannah Whan, details soon to be announced.
Any questions or comments about the GRI Dues Annual Appeal are welcomed by John at 859.396.2685 or may be emailed to him at With our goal of 100% participation this year, we appreciate your support!
Please mail to:
John Schmidt, Treasurer
3556 Antilles Drive
Lexington, KY 40509
Click to : Download a Dues Form in MS Word Format
Click to : Download a Dues Form in Adobe PDF Format
PayPal users may send a payment to:
Or scan the QR Code in the PayPal App.
Or click the “Buy Now” button to pay with PayPal. PayPal is a service which provides secure processing of payments. PayPal accepts credit card, debit cards and electronic draft from your checking account. You do not need a PayPal Account. When you click the “Buy Now” button, you will leave the Greebbrier website and go to the PayPal website. When you finish you will be returned to the Greenbrier Website
And The Winners Are…
The elves have spoken. In their own words, here are their winning picks for this year’s Holiday Lights Contest:
Best Overall Display – the Piper Family at 2731 Martinique
Most Whimsical display – the Pogrotsky Family at 3633 Eleuthera Ct.
Best Entry or Doorway – the Streets Family at 2149 Antigua
Also, a special shoutout to the Otto’s dazzling display at 3793 Jamaica Ct and to last year’s winners who again brought their A-game this year: the Williams family at 1788 Bahama Road and the Brooks Family at 2242 Bahama. Last but not least, the elves commented on the beautiful front entrance to the neighborhood as well as the Club’s shining display bringing Holiday cheer to all.
Winners who are GRI members receive a $50 congratulatory check not to mention the week-long honor of having an impressive sign marking their winning property. Congrats to all our winners past, present and future!!
Thanks and Happy Holidays to all!
LFUCG Traffic Engineering
Due to a request made during the October Business meeting, the minutes from the April meeting are posted below. The Presenter at that meeting was Grace Foley of Traffic Engineering.
Click: to Download Minutes in PDF Format
Grace Foley- LFUCG Traffic Engineering
1. Timeline
a. June/2021- application was submitted
b. Fall/2021 counts conducted
c. May/2022- analysis completed
d. August/2022- manual counts completed
e. October/2022- analysis and information sent to GRI
f. Jan/2023- a review meeting was held with GRI
2. To qualify a road must meet the following requirements:
a. 1000 cars a day or
b. 100 cars an hour or
c. 750 cars per day with at least 25% speeding and 10% speeding 10mph or more over.
d. Winchester to Marquesas had a peak hour of 124
e. Bahama to Cayman had a peak hour of 116
3. We would need 26 speed tables spaced at 500 feet around Bahama so this idea was not pursued- property owns carry bulk of cost
4. NTMP signs will be installed at no cost
5. Edge Lines will be applied to roads at no cost- edge lines reduce speeds 5-7mph and move traffic to the center of the road
a. Parking restrictions between Bahama/Bahama and Bahama/Cayman will need to be changed by petition and therefore those edge lines cannot be completed until the petition is completed
i. Will need 51% of resident to sign petition
ii. Edge Lines would be 8ft on sidewalk side, 10ft double yellow line 10 ft and then 2ft or more on non sidewalk side (any area with less than 7ft will then have a no parking sign)
b. Winchester to Briercroft will have Edge lines spaced 8ft, 10ft double yellow line 10 ft, 8 ft
c. 2138 Bahama to Antilles 8ft, 10ft double yellow line 10ft, 8ft
d. There will be no changes to edge lines by the golf cart crossings because if changes are made in those areas, then the golf cart crossings would have to be removed to bring the edge lines up to current requirements
6. Stop bars will be included at all stop signs
7. Questions from GRI
a. What about using chicanes or chokers?
i. Cost is 3-4x speed tables
b. Discussion regarding bulk of problem drivers being from outside GB
i. Years ago a gate was discussed but cannot be added at Cayman due to fire code restrictions
c. Addition of speed readers?
i. When installed, speeding increases
d. Comment- in 10 years there have been 3 reported accidents inside the neighborhood- 1 was an injury accident
e. Could Walnut Grove Lane be widened?
i. Not the purview of Ms. Foley’s office
f. Could we add edge lines on Cayman Lane?
i. Another application would need to be submitted
Fall Announcements
First: The shred Truck is coming Saturday Oct. 21 from 10 – 12 noon. Find details on the GB FB post.
Second: Our general Business Meeting will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 24th starting at 6pm. in the Flex Room downstairs at the Country Club. This meeting will feature speakers from the KY DOT presenting the plans under consideration for widening Winchester Road. This is our first real opportunity to press for a traffic light at our entry and the so-called Green T intersection which would allow us to make a left turn out of the subdivision. Many special guests are planning to attend this part of our meeting. It’s important we have as many residents as possible show up too. That’s Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 6pm
Finally: Fall is the season many residents celebrate with fun or spooky outside décor. Whether you go for pumpkins or phantoms, we want to recognize your efforts. New this year will be the great pumpkin sign acknowledging some lucky neighbor’s most outstanding yard décor. Judging will take place on Oct. 30th!
Happy Independence Day 2023
July 4th is always a special day in Greenbrier not only because it’s a day to celebrate our nation’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence, but because it’s time for our neighborhood’s annual patriotic parade. Hosted by our own Capt. America and led by the fire engine from firehouse #17, neighbors are invited to gather in the Antigua Circle around 3.30pm. Kids are encouraged to bring decorated bikes, golf carts and other wheeled vehicles to join the parade scheduled to start at 4pm. There will be prizes given for the following 10 categories:
1. Most patriotic group
2. Most patriotic Boy
3. Most patriotic Girl
4. Best Decorated Pet
5. Best Decorated Golf Cart
6. Best Decorated Bike, Scooter, or Other
7. Most Original Décor
8. Most Extravagant Décor
9. Best looking/oldest car
10. Judge’s Choice
The parade will end up in the Club parking lot where all prizes will be given out and kids can enjoy an inflatable, sno cones, and a face painter. The pool will stay open until 8pm. Please join us next Tuesday, July 4th, for this fun event!
Did you know…when Firehouse #17 was built on Royster Road across from Walnut Grove in 1984, it was the only firehouse in the rural area. It serves Gleneagles, Hamburg, the Polo Club area and the Winchester Road corridor. #17 becomes ‘less rural’ every year with the rapid expansion of commercial and residential areas along our corridor.
Directory & Corrections
The 2023 Directory has been published and delivered to each household in Greenbrier. One correction is in the green intro letter accompanying the Directory which misstates the GRI website address. As you now know -if you have reached this page -our address is! Hopefully, no further corrections are needed!
Thank you!
Your GRI Board
Water System Flushing April 25 – 27
Beginning on: Tuesday April 25 2023
Ending on: Thursday April 27 2023
During the hours of: 7 pm – 3:30am
The KY American Water map shows ‘flushing’ in Greenbrier to begin this Tuesday, ending sometime on Thursday. The company notes the following;
Customers in Bourbon, Clark, Fayette, Owen and Scott counties may notice a stronger smell of chlorine in their tap water from mid-April through late May, regardless of where we are currently flushing, since our water treatment process remains adjusted from using chlorine to using free chlorine throughout the entire flushing program. The water remains safe to consume.
Shred Truck
Appropriately enough on Earth Day, the Shred-truck made its first appearance in Greenbrier. For two hours, neighbors could come and bring unwanted and/or sensitive papers and get them shredded for free. Co-sponsored with the Brokerage, the Shred-truck is just another service the GRI is pleased to present to the neighborhood!
April is a busy month in Greenbrier
- Our Annual Dues Appeal is wrapping up. There’s still time to send in your Dues of $100 or confirm with John Schmidt if you can’t remember whether you already have. Click to use Paypal on our Dues page.
- A new Directory is on its way to the printers, so watch for your free copy to be delivered sometime soon via golfcart express.
- The Spring Business Meeting will take place Tuesday, April 25 at 6pm at the new Lifestyle center. Guest speaker will be Grace Foley, LFUCG Senior Traffic Engineer speaking about road marking Bahama. This is an effort in our ongoing campaign to make our streets safer from speeding traffic.
- New this year will be the Shred Truck coming April 22nd, Earth Day, from 2-4pm. This joint venture with The Brokerage will allow our GB neighbors to bring their important papers and documents to be shredded free of charge. The truck will be parked in Antigua Court. where the July 4th parade starts.
- Finally, the 21st Spring Garage Sale will be held Saturday, April 29th with some neighbors opening their garages on Friday, April 28th. Cyndy Powell at 859.299.5566 has details, so if you want to be included in advertising and signage, just check with Cyndy.
We hope all our neighbors will mark their calendars and join the GRI Board in attending these helpful events. Thank you!
Mariana Marye